Here is a time off request and approval template for managers and employees:
Employee Request:
Dear [Manager's Name],
I would like to request time off on [Date(s)] for [Reason(s)]. I understand that my absence may affect my team, and I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that my work is covered in my absence. Please let me know if there are any issues with my proposed time off.
Thank you,
[Employee's Name]
Manager Approval:
Dear [Employee's Name],
Your request for time off on [Date(s)] for [Reason(s)] has been approved. Please make sure that all of your work is completed or covered before you leave. If there are any issues or questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
[Manager's Name]
Manager Denial:
Dear [Employee's Name],
Your request for time off on [Date(s)] for [Reason(s)] has been denied. Unfortunately, your absence would create significant challenges for the team or would coincide with a critical project or event. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Thank you,
[Manager's Name]