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Employee Training Feedback Survey We value your feedback and want to ensure that our training programs meet your needs and expectations. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to provide us with your feedback.
1. What is your overall impression of the training program?
Very Poor
2. How well did the training program meet your learning objectives?
Exceeded my expectations
Met my expectations
Partially met my expectations
Did not meet my expectations
I did not have any learning objectives for this training
3. How organized was the training program?
Very organized
Somewhat organized
Not very organized
Not organized at all
4. How knowledgeable was the trainer?
Extremely knowledgeable
Very knowledgeable
Somewhat knowledgeable
Not very knowledgeable
Not knowledgeable at all
5. How engaging was the training program?
Extremely engaging
Very engaging
Somewhat engaging
Not very engaging
Not engaging at all
6. How useful was the training program to your job?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not useful at all
7. What did you like most about the training program? 8. What did you like least about the training program? 9. What suggestions do you have for improving the training program? 10. Would you recommend this training program to your colleagues?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us to improve our training programs. [Your Company Name]